Friday, December 10, 2010


Idea - So for my next project i am thinking of making a storefront.  I was looking online at tutorials and found this idea.  I think it would be cool to make the outside of the store and a logo for the store and maybe like a display kinda thing outside of the store. Also i could add like plants outside of the door. I have to think of a name for the store and like what they are going to sell.
SpecsI think i am just going to to size it on a 8.5 by 11 box on illustrator.  All the tutorials say to just create a rectangle and nothing to specific with size.
Research-  I found this idea looking up tutorials and so i have 2 tutorials i found that are kinda similar. I also looked up storefronts on google images and am getting an idea on an overall style.  Now I have to get started on my sketches.

comprehensives-  I made this with the help of a tutorial i did before.  The tutorial helped me make the windows and give the roof a curved look.  I was still having some trouble giving it a curved look but it looks better then when I started.  I wanted to maybe have some chairs and a table outside but was not sure how to make it.  I looked for a tutorial but only could find one for what looked like a kitchen or dinning room table and that not really what i wanted.  I wanted it to look like those table not made of wire but kinda what look like it.  Like think plastic i am not really sure what it is.

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