Monday, November 8, 2010

All the calendars

I looked a the comments everyone left me after i posted up the calendars and made a few changes.  I added the  year and made sure everything was centered right cause i found a few that were a little off.  Also when i posted my calendars before i missed some of the days in a couple months and made sure to get them.  

I put the year on both sides because i did not like having it on one side and the month on the other.  I did not like the way it looked, I thought it looked off center and putting it on both sides i thought it looked better on both sides.

These are the first ones i made and it is with the traditional style boxes but not with the picture above the boxes.
This was the second idea and i separated the boxes making each day individual.
This was the third idea i had making the week grouped together so if something lasts the whole week it can be written down instead of in each days box.


So i have come up with a couple different ways to display the calendar.  The different styles are all slightly similar.  I have also looked at the traditional calendar style although it is not my favorite style.  I like having the picture as the background and lightened the photos to make sure that number of the month can be seen and if something is written.